Title: Chasing Filthy Lucre
Jarrett Rush
Sixtwentyone Press
is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than
the rich, and that is the poor. The poor can think of nothing else.
~Oscar Wilde
the youth movement was elected to run things and the old government
fell apart. RomaCorp then becomes the supplier of everything, but in
order to get these goods you must have cash. Weber Rexell is always
after the all mighty dollar, no matter what the job entails. Hence
when the stuff hits the fan as he is working one such job, he takes
on another opportunity as a data runner for the “greater good”.
He is not alone in this task and if it is successful it will change
the lives of everyone. That is just a small look into the world that
Jarrett has made. Want to see more, then get the book...
found this action packed book a fantastic futuristic story. It is
just a tease into the future Jarrett has created. The story is short,
but the story line with in it is huge. The reader will be so
engrossed with the events, that before they know it, they have
reached the ending. Oh what an ending. It leads one to try and wait
patiently for the next in the series to come out. (Hint, hint Mr.
Rush). Written in a no nonsense voice with no long wind descriptions
and explanations. Just a note: the concept of being “plugged in”
takes on a whole new meaning and not what we know it to mean.