Title: She Wasn't Allowed to Giggle
Lavinia Thompson
violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of bruises and
scars. It is devastating to be abused by someone that you love and
think loves you in return.” ~ Dianne Feinstein
has been written that in order for someone to become a survivor of
domestic abuse, one must open their wounds and let them bleed. This
author as done just that by writing her feelings of pain and anguish
in poetry form. She was a victim of abuse both physically and
sexually which started when she was a young girl, by someone she
knew. Lavinia must bleed from these wounds many times before she
could heal completely. She has dissected all the memories and fear
she had experienced during this awful time. Finally, when Lavinia
becomes empty of this emotions, she finds her strength and courage to
live beyond her past. She is reformed in her heart and her thinking
of how she views the world around her. Happy ending? Just have to
read til the end...
comforting read for people that have experienced abuse and also for
people who may want to understand what someone has gone through.
Author wants her voice to be heard, and also to give other survivors
the peace of mind that they are not alone and there is still hope for
them to have a beautiful life to live.